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Beware this man!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DeltaV, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    Name: Unknown, believed to go by the alias 'Axis'
    Description: Average height, bright blue hair

    This man stands accused of the crimes of slaving, assault, attempted murder, and the harboring of dangerous criminals. To the latter three crimes he has confessed, and for the first he is wanted on the planet Shinsei.

    He is believed to be actively present on the planet Ragnarok, where security has henceforth refused to apprehend or expel him for his crimes. If you see this man in person, you are advised to keep your distance and report them to local authorities immediately. It is unknown whether he is armed, but he is certainly dangerous, having admitted to harboring a Floran that, in his words, has killed six people and injured four.

    Keep safe, Council Space.
    - EyeBeeSee
  2. Ah, god... is that what he said? I'm gonna tell ya the guy's stupid, but he's also exaggerating. I know him, And I'll turn him in cause should be convicted on 4 counts of being an absolute A**hat. Also, the floran hasn't done that before, I also know her. She's a little unstable, but she's Not that dangerous. Uhhh... I'm not sure what your talking about when it comes to the attempted murder though, I think I remember him being kinda weird a bit ago but I haven't seen him for a while. Also, don't you think that, 'dangerous criminals' is a little too much for an ex--soldier drunk and a floran with a brain disease, Just saying. Seriosuly the media needs to do thier research better nowadays. -Drake
  3. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    You are trying to acquit your friend, but you are just as guilty of these same charges. Perhaps it would have been wiser not to participate in any of these activities hmmm? And as far as your claim for a brain-damaged Floran, just because a Floran is less intelligent than you does not give you the right to enslave it.

    ~ Tsuyoshi Takashiro
  4. KillerWaves

    KillerWaves New Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Look were not slavers, And I did lie to that guy about murder, I even told him I lied, He's also some sort of press so like every press he cuts some stuff out, And She does have a brain disease, I've assasulted many times but so have many others on me, so why aren't they wanted for it, heck I've seen people assault other people then me. And I was never "wanted" anywhere the guy just told you that. ( Axis Is a character that over exaggerates.....a lot.....I bet most of you who have encountered him know that by now) So no, I'm not a murderer and I'm not slaver. Case closed.
  5. KillerWaves

    KillerWaves New Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Come on Drake, are you really going to turn me in, You know I over exaggerate sometimes, plus he was bugging me, I was trying to scare him off, sometimes people like need to wet themselves to go away. -Axis
  6. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *Audio to Text from Fernpetal*

    Me hare about thissss. Me think sssomething isss fissshy about thisss. Sssso you sssay thossse thingssss jussst to ssscare ssssomeone off? That not make sssense. Even me have enough sssenssse to jussst ignore a perssson or walkssss away from them. You making excusssesss not helping your cassse.
  7. Alright, sure, may not be wise to say what I got to say, but I ain't wise. I'm not gonna defend myself in any way, because If I know something is right, I'm gonna do it no matter who tries to stop me, cause In my eyes, I stop when I get shot. Make a comment on that strategy if you want, we dont have to live similar lives. Alright, I'm not gonna engage anymore unless some other person wants to go on and continue this conversation leading to nowhere. If you wanna keep yapping on, go ahead, not my deal. I need a drink. -Drake
  8. KillerWaves

    KillerWaves New Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    -Repeating Radio Transmission from Axis to all
    Well I guess that makes me a different kind of man, so go a head, catch me if you can, infact, let's put a bounty on my head, A huge bounty, come on, it'll be fun, let's see if the council of space dweebs can catch me. Watch them scurry like rats, ha. I might not be good at fighting but I sure am good at hide and seek. So let's play, let's see who can catch me, and I won't stop until I'm the most wanted man in the universe, I'm ready, are you? *long lasting laugh that gets cut off from the end "beep" at a recording*
  9. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *Audio to Text from Fernpetal*

    Umm.... Well guessss me got him to ssshow hisss true colorsss. If he jussst turned himssself in if he not have not guilty. Oh well, at leassst the bounty huntersss will have fun and get paid. Good luck with hide and sssseek.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    "Challenge accepted."

  11. KillerWaves

    KillerWaves New Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    Good, this il' be fun -Axis
  12. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    *Audio from text by Fernpetal*

    Me not get thissss. Are you giving up? Me not the sssmartessst floran, but why did you defend yourssself. Only to become what you were defending aginssst?