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Character Trivia

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Node, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Drop trivia about your character. Because its fun.

    Ion/Holon was supposed to be a human. Her blue colouration came from the fact that the starter planet she was on was frozen, and I recoloured her to be cold. I didn't bother changing it back after she entered a warm climate ten minutes later. Now it's lasted a year and a half.
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    You know I actually vaguely remember that happening. Also I've got too much geg trivia to list.
  3. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Come on. At least give one or two fun ones.
  4. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    mark has killed a man over a turkey bacon sandwich and someone who tried to steal his cat
  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Smoke Trivia!
    • The name Smokestack came from me trying to find a good name combo for a pilot that always has a burning ship. His original name was going to be Starvox, a name I commonly used for starship pilots in sci-fi RPGS in reference to Starfox.
    • He was originally made to join the Grey Hand after my previous character failed.
    • Smokestack's speech pattern is based on the Scout in TF2. It's where the word pally came from and where I took a Boston accent from.
    • Smokestack was my 3rd character on the server.
    • My knowledge playing as Smoke came from my dad who is a mechanic and my physics teacher.
    • Smoke was originally going to be played like Falco in Starfox.
    • His goggles are based on the multivision goggles from Splinter cell.
    • All of the people he loved were crazy. Either that or they got injured.
    • Smokestack came onto the server suffering from lung cancer and a weakened immune system. He wore a full body containment suit for his first months as a character. He then had his lungs replaced with cybernetics.
    • He lost his right arm on one of his first distress calls as USAF. He was hit with corrosive rounds in the shoulder and failed to treat it. The acid ate at his shoulder and had him lose use of his arm.
    • He only shops Stirpis.
    • He was supposed to have a smoking addiction not a cola addiction. The cola addiction happened after January 2015, 4 months after Smoke was made. I added the cola addiction to his story to make him less serious.
    • I like to talk about Smokestack
  6. skeletor

    skeletor Banned

    May 2, 2014
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    you missed the best fucking part dude
    • smokestack hogtied and stripped a man nude and force fed his unconscious body slices of his own ass
  7. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Trivia for year old characters!

    My first character, Pamela, was an attempt at grimdark story telling in a Starbound setting. It failed, and she ended up being a loner. I wanted her to succeed but also hated her at the same time, and when the need came for meat to be offered to the tentacles, her already questionable sanity and history with them made her a prime candidate for death.

    Waterswimmer (Mizu Suimaa) was my attempt at creating a personality mix up of Margaret Hoolihan and Charles Winchester from M*A*S*H. The result was incredible, but when the time came for her to move on like I originally intended, I changed my plans and instead made her stay for a while in Antares. As a result, her character ended up changing into something a bit different!

    Landpunch was created as a throwaway character for a tournament (with permission). However, he ended up sticking around when the need for a violent Floran mook or random Floran tomfoolery arose. Ironically, the most harm he has ever inflicted on another PC is a headbutt in the tournament. Every attempt to harm someone else since then failed, and he almost always gets injured when a fight breaks out. People were still afraid of him for some reason though.
  8. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Cullen once had Olympus locked down because Smokestack took his sandwich.

    Cullen was originally going to be an enigmatic character named "The Jackal", and he was to be a suave bald headed intellectual. Then I gave him a blonde ponytail and made him barely competent in anything other than business and violence.

    I also used to play as Col. Ashe Deschemblaine, the original leader of the USAF faction on this server. He's still alive, though disbarred from the server.
  9. Wingfighter

    Wingfighter New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Bork was head of navigation on a spacecraft that lost course and crashed into an ice planet, stranding sixteen players.
  10. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Here's some Geg trivia then.

    Everyone who's ever worn his blue jacket has died.
    He had two adopted daughters. Lydia (TD) and Petaldancer (Malachar).
    He's wanted by the USCM for jumping parole.
    Before he got a beard ingame, he was once mistaken for a woman due to his lovely hair.
    He's only ever killed like two characters on the server.
    He was perhaps Mucklurk's only friend.
  11. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Jazz trivia!
    • He's modelled after one of the black guys from Airplane!
    • He was supposed to be played using 1920s slang, but I winged it and went with modified jive.
    • Jazz suffers from the stress of being forced to work in a drug lab under poor conditions. He speaks jive because he was forced to and uses it as a coping mechanism to avoid breakdowns.
    • His favorite show is Laronda in Rwanda. It's a show about a strong independent black woman trying to make a name for herself in the refugee camp while a war is going on.
    • I research every bit of medical information to play as Jazz
    • Jazz stole a sandwich from Cullen. It was delicious.
    • Jazz stole a sandwich from a ship that was about to explode. It was salmon and wasabi.
  12. coconut_buttercup

    Nov 6, 2014
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    ramrod makes a great dune rat and radscorp chili
  13. Cannibal_Kon

    Cannibal_Kon New Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Starting with Tailon:

    • She was originally going to be super flirty and that was abandoned for the silent killer typing.
    • After I created her and had her walking about I had started messing with colors in SBSE. She actually had a cyan streak through her hair that nobody ever saw.
    • She was supposed to become a big drug smuggler, but in the end she did some small stuff before she eventually died.
    Now on to one of my favorites, Morgan:

    • She was going to be a hardcore army bitch. She turned into a dorky kid who made friends with a Floran and a girl who wore a bright blue dress.
    • The computer she found was going to link to a small backstory I was going to make up for early history. Mostly a personal attempt to make my own story by myself.
    • That computer is actually still relevant to my newest character.
    Finally, my newest character and only living one, Lilith:

    • She started out as a combination of Tailon and Morgan. This is why she has Tailon's cyan streak.
    • She was also going to be flirty, but eventually turned into a mechanic/business woman.
    • Pegasus Trading Enterprises has only one member, and that's Lilith. She has a small factory composed of programmable robots at her dispense. This is due to backstory, and she generally does everything herself.
    • Lilith is my attempt at actually trying to integrate into the community, since I mostly slide along the outskirts. It isn't going well.
  14. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    There were three Brittons, all of them fuckups. Ethan is the least dumb of them all.

    Ethan originally was supposed to be a USN guy, but I favor infantry over chair jobs, so modifications were made.

    All my weaponry and medical knowledge has been collected in my time on Antares, due to my chars all either being grunts or medical doctors.

    One of the other Brittons, Jackson, died by diving in the radius of a frag grenade because no one told him where the grenade was.

    In other news I'm an uninteresting dumbass that knows how to do basic surgery, disassemble a firearm, and understand military lingo.
  15. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I feel very self-centered writing all this up, but I'll leave it for anyone who's interested.

    My first Antares character, Daniel Moore, was based off of the lead singer from Muse. I never was a fan of his fashion sense, beliefs, or general attitude, so I tried to embody his assholery in a character. I didn't entirely know how to RP well so it didn't work out.

    Cole Harris was supposed to be civil at first; in fact, when he first met Badstar (his future employer), he yelled at him for being a "glorified mercenary" and a killer. I slowly realized how difficult it was to roleplay as a traditional private investigator in this setting, and I was a bit inexperienced, so I made him less intelligent, immoral, more violent, and more vulgar. Cole's backstory also involved him being an abusive ex-cop whose criminal record was conveniently erased with the destruction of Earth.

    Rig-B was originally supposed to be a bashful, depressed, self-harming robot (in a comical way). Having him passionately shout about how much he hated himself got old pretty quickly, so I just voided it and made him very saccharine.

    I stopped playing as Treepuller very quickly because all I did was make custom clothes for random people, only getting IC money in return. It was pretty stressful/uninteresting.

    Cody was made because a very kind character in a game that I liked died a terrible death--it was the first time I felt genuinely sick/depressed after seeing a fictional character die. I had three goals in mind; One, I wanted him to be a boring and generic person, but an interesting character (RPing as an average joe living among the chaos of Antares was fun). Two, I wanted to challenge myself and make a polite, morally aligned character after making so many morally grey/evil douchebags. And three, I wanted to kill him off and see if I could make people legitimately distraught over his death (I chickened out, and right around when I wanted to kill him, I lost interest in RP and ditched the character). I don't know how well I accomplished any of those goals, and I regret not killing him off, but I had the most fun with him.

    Skid has an Oedipus complex.
  16. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    • My first ever RP character in any sort of game whatsoever
    • Has survived near 2 years without losing a single body part.
    • Has obsessed me with the workings of guns and weaponry, because his main skill is fixing weapons.
    • Loves explosions. Blew up a whole ship over Olympus.
      ^ It was that ship
    • Hides many lost friends with smiles and jokes
    • I originally started Cole as a tech hacker/engineering expert with a dark past but that kind of shifted to mechanical engineering/weaponry with a slightly above average knowledge of computer science. Because no one likes an edgy-hacker-tech-expert.
    • Runs Stirpis, believe it or not.
    • In his backstory, he was a Green Beret. This helps explain his knowledge in weapons without any IC training.
    • I dont really play him on the server IC so I have very little to put here for him.

    And theyre brothers. In case anyone didn't know. I tend o try and keep them separate ICly as to dissuade powergaming/metagaming potential.
  17. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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    robbie has a degree in english literature and cannot, in fact, make a decent cornbread
  18. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    -I started him to be a scavenger, or like a treasure hunter like starlord. But he turned into a rick like character as so many people poked at
    - Jared was in a relationship with a floran, but this was before I knew anything about the lore
    - He's one of the many few that have survived without any bodyparts being lost
    - He's an ex-USCM marine, and rejoined them but became bitchy.
    - He started out as a cyborg... Stupid enough as it sounds
    - He was supposed to be the owner of this big corporation, but ya know this was early in the server and I barely knew shit about RP
    - I was going to bring him back a few months ago, but I still didn't know how to make guns.
    - He was the first russian on the server yay!
    - First non-human character, very random naming (I feel racist for choosing it since I just made it sound asian... >.>)
    - Started out as a random traveler before I made him into an ex-assassin.
    - He too was in a relationship with a floran... Which made him lose and eye.
    - Lost his second eye in a battle with a floran.
    - Fucking hates savage/tribal florans now.
    - Likes eating wasabi peas.
  19. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Aside from a few basic skills like hunting, piloting, reading/writing, and sleight of hand, Zigs learned all of his skills in character. Mostly from Glauen, but also a lot through hands-on experience getting dragged through battlefield muck. Where, of course, he does not belong.
  20. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Oh dang. Look at these long lists. And I only posted one thing. Well, for any of your who feel like actually trudging through my nonsense. I'll try to keep most of my facts relevant to Ion, since I'm sure no one is interested in my slew of other, retired characters.

    • Ion is a super advanced android. Not really trivia considering most people figure it out quickly, but relevant to other facts.
    • Ion was always designed to be a complex arc character. Since the server was large, I knew that her stories would be a little bit difficult to follow. As such, I attempt to change her design between arcs, to encourage other characters to ask her questions about her life.No single character should ever feel like they have all of the pieces to the enigmatic android.
    • I am not actually so self absorbed that I think anyone cares about these goofy arcs.
    • She doesn't use contractions. I do this to make her sound just a little bit more professional and alien.
    • Each of my characters have been connected by the out-of-sector company, The Sunshine Corporation in some way or another.
    • Ion is not incapable of combat, however she avoids it because she does not believe that there are any technicians in Antares/Council capable of repairing damage done to her body.
    • Holon's name comes from a few places. First off, its philisophical meaning (Something that is whole and a part). Also, since Starbound uses a sans-serif font, the L in her name is identical to an I.
    #20 Node, Oct 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2015