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Sunshine Slaughter Center

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Node, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    "You idiots are really good at killing each other, right? I thought that's what you did for fun in Antares."
    I think old is new again. It's been a heck of a long time since Antares had a proper arena. And so I introduce you to Ms. Holon's Sunshine Slaughter Center (It's still a work in progress).

    So what is the MHSCC? The Sunshine Corporation was looking to expand out into council space, and so they sent their lackey Ms. Holon to go ahead and find a way to appeal to all the Ex-Antarans. And what better way to appeal to a bunch of "murdering bandit savages" (her words) than a place where you can pay money to watch these bandits murder each other savagely. Okay, well there is no actual murder, but you can pay to watch people get injured pretty badly.

    So, why is this under Roleplay planning, and not underneath something like "General roleplay"? I just wanted to pitch the idea to you guys before I go gung-ho setting up the entire facility. I mean, the building is there, but everything else is quite a bit of work. Some aid would be sweet too.

    Okay, so if you're unclear on what this could do for Antares, let me break it down.
    • This is a specialized colony. You can not live here. It's an entertainment planet only. So you would come here to either watch or participate in matches.
    • Breaks up traditional bar RP. Now you can sit around and Bar RP while watching other people RP about beating each other up.
    • Lots of jobs. Fighters, managers, doctors treating actual patients regularly, bartender, ticket salesperson. The Sunshine Corporation wants you to become part of its family.
    • Fighting roleplay. Good, clean, fights (With so many traps that can literally melt your face off (Non-lethally of course)). Also, for all you dopes who have always wanted a character with a goofy costume, name, and battle style, this is totally your thing.
    • Ranked battles. Live for Glitz. Fight for glory.
    If you aren't interested in a sporting event where you can play as an Apex named Gorilla Warfare, and beat upsome chump, become the best chimp, and rise to become the champ, I'm not interested in playing in this server anymore.
  2. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I think this is an awesome idea. Bets can be a thing. Good old sports environment can be a thing.
  3. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Yep, bookies can be a thing. I'm not entirely in a position to really pay out winnings, considering I'm probably going to have to drop all of my server cash on this, and growth might take a while. But yes, think of it as a sporting event.

    I also need to hire janitors because like a genius I built this in the desert, and I didn't get any weather conditions until after I finished construction. Sandstorms suck.
  4. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    HAHA. Nice.
  5. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I'm just screwing around with some basic combat mechanics. Nothing is really set in stone here.

    For fighters I'm thinking there will be four stats.

    Strength: Hits
    Dexterity: Dodges
    Accuracy: Miss ratio
    Constitution: Health

    Players making fighters will have 20 points to distribute across these four stats. This allows players to have unique characters in the arena, so that way they can play to their strengths rather than just random dice rolling. This allows for more balanced fighters, or for more interesting fighters like the glass canon that has high strength and dexterity, but low accuracy and constitution.

    These numbers simply add bonuses to attack rolls. So if an attack would normally take an accuracy roll of 15 to hit your foe, but you roll a 12, with an accuracy bonus of 3 you can dodge. Likewise with Strength, Dex, and constitution (Although Con increases max health). For every 2 points spent, there will be a +1 bonus (Except Con, which adding a point simply adds a point of health).

    Keeping the stats simple and to the point requires little learning, and is easy to get into.

    Combat turns can be broken up into the following.

    -Action: Player 1 rolls for their action (Like an attack). If necessary, Player 2 will roll for a dodge.
    -Results of turn: (Such as P1 missing, or P2 getting hit)

    Only a D20 is necessary. Strength rolls are divided by 5.
  6. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I need dis. Do dis.
  7. The Bandicoot

    The Bandicoot New Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    Shiny. Do want.
  8. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    We should capture Black leaf and put them in there.
  9. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I don't want them wrecking my pretty stuff. But if someone wanted to put their Black leaf character in legitimately, I would have no problem with that.
  10. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I was working on a character card for the arena. Was wondering what you guys thought about the general layout. Also I basically laid out the mathematics for the roll bonuses right here on the sheet. So in the event that Holon ever enters the arena (She likely won't), her roll bonuses are essentially the following (Using all 20 ranks).

    ((EDIT: Yotan pointed out that I can't count. Accuracy should only have 2 ranks. The following Accuracy Bonus is for a character with 2 ranks in accuracy))

    Strength + 1
    Dodge + 5
    Accuracy + 1
    Health + 3

    That means she can effectively hit up to 5 damage. She can effectively dodge up to a roll of 25. Her accuracy can roll up to 21. And finally she has 13 health. With good rolls, she can dodge lots of attacks against characters with low accuracy, but she obviously can not take a huge beating, and her damage is fairly low.

    Hopefully this helps clarify my earlier post. Strength determines the amount of damage you can do. Dodge and Accuracy are counter rolls for attack actions (Accuracy roll for the attacking character, and dodge roll for the attacked character). Health determines the beating you can take. Once your health hits 0, you're finished.

    I tried to keep the card as simple as possible so that people could easily edit it even if they didn't have image editing software (Hence me writing in an MS Paint styled brush for the test sample).
    #10 Node, Oct 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
  11. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I like the card however that is more then 20 points... if my math is correct. Is it safe to assume those bonuses are standard across all fighters?
    #11 Yotan, Oct 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
  12. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    That is more than 20 points because I clearly forgot how to count. I think I meant to give her 2 in ACC and 3 in Health. That would make her bonuses effectively +1 ACC and +3 HP. And yes, these bonuses are standard across all fighters.

    As I said yesterday in the chatbox as well, it is possible to earn just a few extra ranks by ranking up in the arena. So for instance if you are the #1 champ in the arena, you might get a +10 or something to your rank so that rookie chumps can't just knock you off your throne so easily, and instead need to climb the ladder. But it still would not remove the possibility of a rookie beating you with some good rolls. (And with these rules, it would allow for Holon to have 22 in ranks. She ain't champ material, but she is a bit tougher than a no-rank).

    I'm considering allowing some special character specific abilities as well. For Holon for instance, it might make sense for her to have "Center Command" which allows her to activate any of the traps in the arena at will. As a few other examples characters might be able daze their opponents(Turn skip), Poison characters (DoT), Buff themselves (+1 to a skill), or maybe just pull off a really cool attack that'll do extra damage if it lands. Of course this is all dependent on the character, would need to be reasonable, and would likely be a one use only thing. I'd probably have to personally approve these. And they would have to be listed on the card ahead of time. You obviously could not make up specials on the fly. But as I said, I'm just considering it.
  13. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    despite my IC disdain for this as Kuro, i like this idea.
  14. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Thanks man. Who knows though, maybe Kuro will find something he likes in the arena regardless of his INCORRECT OPINIONS.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    My bets are he's gonna be mackin' all over that kek.
  15. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    The instant I see large bonuses possible for dodge and accuracy, I immediately see it being broken by someone putting every point into dodge. The only person who would have a 50/50 chance against them would be a same build or someone with maxed accuracy.
  16. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I know. I've already taken this into account. Even if you put all your ranks into dodge, you become difficult to hit, but not impossible.