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Beaming, and Space Ships

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JimHarrison, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Because I didn't think this should go on the Outcasts crticism thread - but still relates to some of the stuff that we've been getting criticism for. Just like the previous thread - if you're going to be passive aggressive (or normal aggressive), I'm going to ask a moderator to take your posts down.

    So, Beaming and Ships. I know there's been lots of things said and done on the server on this topic, generally following the sort of Colony-By-Colony decision. But what are your thoughts?

    I think that a nice way of the Outcasts avoiding causing such a huge ruckus on the colonies they visit is if they could come down in a transport ship or some sort - and while we've done this on a few occasions, we always get the passing OOC whine that we can't do that for X or Y reasons, or beaming down on a part of the planet that isn't the beam pad.

    If we were allowed to do either of those things - not only would people get to know OOC that the Outcasts had arrived and they might want to make an excuse to bail if they don't want to be involved - but it would also allow people ICly to perhaps see the ship coming down, and prepare accordingly.

    Problems that I have with that, however, include things like Orbital Scanners that alert whoever's in charge that somewhere on the entire planet a ship has entered the atmosphere, or similiar automated systems that stop that strategy from being effective. But again, I am just one voice. If you think otherwise, tell me why - thanks, guys.

    TL;DR - If you can't bother to read it all, don't bother responding.
  2. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Then what's stopping someone else beaming up to their own ship and blasting the ship to pieces once they see someone arrive/leave in their ship?
  3. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    I'm not sure what that has to do with it, so if you could explain that'd be cool.
    But to speak to your point - there isn't?
  4. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I never liked the whole beaming system exactly. Wherever applicable I prefer to have my character dropped off by his dinky dropship or something. Maybe there could be an IC public transit system, a sort of Space-Bus or something? It would make sense for lots of people to commute via a public transit system, sort of like we earthlings do for travel across countries or over oceans. To counter the atmospheric entry detection system thing, the invasive party could have radar jammers, or characters could come down in drop pods.

    Brain dump complete. Pick and choose what you like and dont touch what you think sucks.
  5. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Beaming is very tricky to do correctly. Im not a fan of instabeam, and try to play out at least on action before beaming, i.e *taps a beam code into his pad, watching as it searches to lock on* Because while beaming from ship down may be faster due to the one ship connected to the one pad, beaming up would take longer, as the one pad is connected to all the ships and you would need to somehow differentiate your own beam signal so you went to the right ship. Many to one, and one to many.

    Shuttles are another concept, and one that we employed at Marathon and Union, with a beam-jammer above the city. It didnt extend past the city limits however, meaning if you got far enough out you could beam up. Shuttles are also tricky though, and ICly dont always have enough room to land anywhere in the city. Granted, it was not really liked, mainyl because it made it pretty much impossible to bring any conflict to the cities. But thats a discussion for another thread.

    Also, on a slightly similar topic, whats the overall opinion on locking a beam position to another part of the planet? Hovering your ship maybe a few IC miles away, locking a beam point, and going down. Is there some sort of anything about this already, or...
    I was going to use it once, for an RA mission, but while there was no one against it, we didnt need to use it in the end.

    Now, I'm not in the best state of mind right now, got some sort of stomach virus screwing me up, so if any of this is incomprehensible to you, I'll gladly try to rephrase it.
  6. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    this is something i like tbh. i'll just snip a certain bit and refer to it.

    "Hovering your ship maybe a few IC miles away, locking a beam point, and going down."

    this isn't 100% feasible all the time, refer to taranis.
    planets like avalon, when that was a thing (avalon was a nonorganic planet, entirely technological) should be compatible with the idea however.
    more technological based planets should be able to be locked onto more universally as a beam point assuming said area generates a similar amount of power when compared to a beam pad, imho. unless of course a beampad has a specific way it works as to when you beam down, because some planets don't have beampads and you can beam down just fine, y'dig?

    edit: this is verbal diarrhea don't read it
  7. CrackShotCleric

    CrackShotCleric New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    What about stations? Have large colonies build space elevators, with docking rings at the top. Ships would have to dock to get personel transport to the surface. That was my original thought with the space elevator on New Chicago, before it was turned into orbital housing.
  8. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Beaming in the exact mechanical sense in canonically supported in the book The Agaran Menace.

    I'm really not sure what the issue with beaming here is.

    If you're beaming down "where the beam pad isn't", then it's the colony's fault for not having built at the beam-down site, or not having an admin swing by to adjust the spawn or beam-down point (Yes, you can do this).
  9. MrGodZilla

    MrGodZilla Not A Shitposter

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Why did you Necro this thread.
  10. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    I think this would be really cool actually. A pre-beaming society or colony could have these still in use. Seems cool to me.
  11. CrackShotCleric

    CrackShotCleric New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    I didn't. If beaming is an issue, why not try to circumnavigate the problem? It allows the landing zone to be separated from the main colony, which adds a level of defense from invasions, it adds to IC experiences, and allows both the "good guys" and "bad guys" to have negotiating zones to enhance rp. It also puts emphasis in trade and construction if built accordingly.
  12. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    No, now that I look at it the thread is almost a year old.

    Things a year ago aren't exactly applicable today.
  13. CrackShotCleric

    CrackShotCleric New Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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    Lol. I didn't even give the date a look. My bad mate. I guess your right. Sorry for pulling a Necro. I'll be more careful next time.