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A Ray of Light in Antares

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Node, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Hey guys. I already messaged the admins about this, but I want to hear what the community has to say as well.

    I've been hearing a lot of talk about the lack of conflict on the server. I want to help fix that. And with that, I present to you, The Sunshine Corporation. I find in Antares, we do very little world building for the Core Sectors and instead, focus entirely on the Frontier. So, I would like to propose this out-of-sector Corporate monster.

    Sunshine Corp would be an out-of-sector technology trade corporation. The frontier is of little interest to them, and as such there will be no colony, headquarters, or anything of the like regarding them. The Sunshine Corporation is exclusively out-of-sector. "Bandit space", as they like to call it, is not the greatest place to run a business.

    So how would these corporate moguls affect Antares? I have a few propositions, each to generate different forums of conflict.

    The first off is Product Acquisition missions. As a massive corporation, it is fair to believe that they have product shipments that get lost and raided during transit, and drift into Antares. As I said, Sunshine is not very interested in sending its own men into the sector, and would rather hire a bunch of "bandits" (Antarens) on the cheap, and only pay the singular person who follows through on retrieving whatever they lost. Also, the corporate bigshots tend to gamble on who they think will get their head stomped in if there are lots of people going after the same thing. These missions are pretty straight forward in terms of function. They would be organized events to go to a planet, fight off all other people that took the job (or form alliances), get the objective, return it for cash (Or keep it for a nice bounty on your head).

    Which brings me to my number 2: The Bounty Board. As a mega corporation in the Core sectors, Sunshine corporation personally has a fair number of bounties on Antarens. This could be for any number of reasons. The purpose of this is however, to have a non-colony managed bounty board. It would be completely public. This would function in a few ways. The first off is that if you were playing a character that theoretically has an out of sector bounty on their head, you as the player could reinforce that by placing a bounty on your own character. This means that there is absolutely no planning involving a bounty, and you've just given consent for anyone to try to give you up for cash. It keeps roleplay fun, and dynamic. The other is obviously if you piss off Sunshine Corporation in one of their events, you will end up with a bounty on you.

    My third and final purpose for having Sunshine around is simply lore related. I don't think this needs much explanation. Since it is a mega corp, anyone could theoretically have worked for them, acquired products, etc.

    Finally I want to quash any fears that this might be Node's Insane Power Grab Tactic Combo Ultra x10. It's not. While I personally would be interested in helping out with events, as I said, Sunshine Corp stays OUT of Antares. The whole purpose of the idea is that it does not need to be managed by a single person and instead can function as a tool for the entire community.

    Anyway, I think I've rambled long enough. Questions, thoughts, and concerns.
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I like it, but have a feeling no one will use the bounty system. At least, not with their main characters. I'd like to see it more fleshed out and used. Yay for space megacorps!
  3. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I'll use it. At least that's someone. It's always been a character point for Ion that she's wanted out-of-sector, but of course I don't run around broadcasting that as her, because it wouldn't make any sense.
  4. Voltaicstream

    Voltaicstream New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Actually I would be one to use the bounty board for one of the reasons already mentioned. Cassidy is a Runaway who stole her fathers life savings and high tailed it out of the sector. I'm sure he'd like to have her back so he can deal with her personally. And with what she stole, she's worth a pretty penny to him. It would be interesting, and would draw some extra roleplay to the little saloon I've set up.
  5. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Oh, that guy that looks like the Monopoly man?
  6. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    That's great Volt. That's exactly how I wanted it to be used. To keep roleplay fresh by adding the unexpected to it!

    And Ziggy, you mentioned something about fleshing it out a little more. How do you mean?
  7. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I mean I want to see it used on the server and get some history.
  8. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I like. But how would events work? Are they just loot races between the frontiersmen of Antares? Are you having people be the opposition? If there are enemies, who or what would they be? If events like these are timed poorly, there could just be one person that goes in, grabs it easy, and turns over for quick cash.

    I have a lot of questions, many are just looking too deeply, but that just means I'm all the more curious. Like, would there just be distress calls? Does the corporation just advertise on Starnet and the radio? Are there any characters at all that would show up in Antares from this corporation?
  9. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Events would be preplanned. It would be a lootrace between people on the server. If it works as planned, there is no required opposition, roleplayers will provide all of the conflict they need. These events would be planned some time in advance, and information such as the date and prize made public. If this information is made public beforehand, it will be clear who is showing up. If only one guy shows up, and there are no other players to create opposition, then I suppose it has just functioned as an injection of pixels into the server, something we could use in large doses now and again. If this hypothetical occurred however, planning would be revised and reconsidered.

    Sunshine has NO place in Antares whatsoever. The only interaction would mostly be starnet posts, and theoretically radio beacons when events are happening. I have considered characters, but always come back to the same answer. Any characters introduced via a Sunshine event would be an event exclusive. Not a character that anyone just logs into and roams around as. As I said, I am not lunging at power here, and this is not an excuse to make a billionaire character.

    Before I get called out on this, I did use to play a character called Sampson Sunshine, who was the son to the CEO of The Sunshine Corporation, but I have since retired the character. Ion as well has certain background ties to the company, but they provide absolutely no advantages. If you would like a more detailed document on the character's specific backstories, I'd be willing to provide them.

    But please, I encourage your questions, so long as you are not on a witch hunt.
  10. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    Darn awesome, you can expect a few bounties to be taken up on my end!
  11. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    hell yeah i like it fam
  12. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I like this idea. I do have a couple of questions/concerns, so I will divide by subjects.

    1.Product Acquisition missions:
    • Are these missions going to be something someone can submit ideas on?
    • Also this is going to happen on more than just planets right?
    • As I mean that all factions and colonies are going to be at one point involved in this right?

    2. The Bounty Board: First off this is a great idea; it reminds me of Cowboy Bebop and/or the Riddick movies. Now to business:
    • Do characters submit bounty request to Sunshine and then a public notice is sent out on starnet for the bounty? Or is this some metagame, undercover RP BS where somehow Sunshine gets wind of a wanted person like Fernpetal for instance, then they send out a public notice?
    • Who will be doing public notices (if any), player or Sunshine representative?
    • Also will Sunshine have a public declaration of the cuts they will take off bounties, depending on weather the bounty is dead or alive?
    • Also will the abuse of the bounty board be a thing? (Example being the all certain people focus a crap ton of bounties against a race, faction, or group of people.)
    • Is so will this be curbed? How will it be crabbed?
    • Are rewards set by the character requesting the bounty hunter of is that Sunshine’s thing?

    Here is my concern. is the colonies and their laws.
    Dexter’s Garden:
    • 1(Assault: Intentionally harming another person. Punishable by jail time, fines, exile if the situation calls for it.
    • 6) Obstruction of justice: Interfering with or obstructing the work of colony security. Punishable by jail time.
    • 7) Disturbing the peace: Intentionally infringing upon another's right to peace and tranquility, or continuing to do so after being told to stop. Punishable by a one day stay in jail, and/or a fine.
    New Tetanus:
    • No weapons larger than a pistol are allowed without a permit, and the suggested number of weapons to have on your person at any time is 1 (one). People armed with multiple weapons will be treated with suspicion by security. Anyone seen to be brandishing a firearm in a threatening manner will be warned, expelled or potentially blacklisted.
    • Causing someone severe physical or psychological harm will result in being detained, then blacklisted and expelled. Murder will result in detainment, pending judgment and sentence.
    • While not strictly a law, the use of armour while at New Tet is frowned upon and will be treated with suspicion by the security. When possible, please visit without armoured clothing.
    • 1) Assault: Bringing harm to another sentient being with clear intention is punishable by jail time, fines or exile for a set duration depending on the severity of the assault.
    • 6) Obstruction of justice: Deliberately obstructing or intefering with the work of garrison members. Punishable by jail time.
    • 7) Disturbing the peace: Causing intentional harm to ones peace and tranquility when asked to stop or continuing after being asked to stop. Punishable by fines, jail-time.

    As examples I see Bounty hunters are going to need to do all of these to detain and carry out the bounty. Which they should be allow to. Armor, rifles, physical harm, and more are all needed to get a bounty.

    Another example would be Stab-Dancers treason bounty for Hakachi and Violet when Dexter's Garden and New Tetanus blocking bounty hunters. I didn't think that was right, probably due to 90% of the characters on the server hating florans. That being said I foresee this as a problem and really that is going to be a continued foresee able problem. Cause if every colony/planet/station is going to c**kblock a wanted person then this no wonder why there is no bounty hunters on the server. If there is, well then no wonder they are not getting any rp but but Bar rp.

    Also a question to the server, would colonies/planets/station recognized a bounty hunters a merc with legal authority to hunt in Antares?

    I say they should, but frankly at this moment that is not the case, which is also causing a lack of good RP on the server. Don't get me wrong if a bounty bribes or deals with colony/planet/station for safety then I don't see much of a problem except that the deal should be very, very high. So that not everyone can just pay for their safety, again this ability should be massively restricted.

    Also would the staff allow this legal authority for bounty hunting on the server, and actually restrict what a colonies/planets/station can and cannot do to restricting bounty hunters?

    If a bounty hunter beams down and informs the local security that they have a problem kid on in the colony and they there to retrieve said issue, the security should be willing to help, not screw them over. Again the is blocking rp, which is not fun for any one.

    Frankly I think bounty hunters should require getting permits from the colonies/planets/station in order to collect bounties on them. These permits should be public.

    Also that brings me to suggesting bounty hunter licenses, which should be a thing.

    In the end which is mainly more a concern I have for the server then to Node is that I want to see this as fair as possible to make it fun. I don’t want to see every (example) characters putting up bounties on all, flightless vs. ground, one faction vs. another faction, or character vs. faction. It will not be fair, it will not be fun. I think there needs to be a reasonable grounds for the bounty, and some crap like, “Well Fernpetal is a floran and all florans should be killed so please put a bounty on her. I will pay 50px if take alive, and 100px if dead.” Sure I would have to give the consent but does that seem like a reasonable grounds for a bounty? I don’t thinks so. To me reasonable grounds would be. Character A is wanted for murder on planet 1, 2, and 3, vandalism on planet 1 and station 2, also kidnapping on station 1.

    That is it for now but if I have more questions/concerns I will post.
  13. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I think you are missing the point yotan. The person playing the character would themselves put the bounty up OOC, IC it would have been made by someone outside Antares.

    Sunshine is for people who WANT to have a bounty on their character.

    Only the player themselves can put the bounty up on their own character.

    For example, you could add to a character's backstory, and say they commited corporate espionage against the Sunshine Corporation.
  14. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Oh okay, so this is not something that will happen inside Antare as well. Well either way, it is out there.
  15. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    No it is something that will happen in Antares.
  16. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Jeez... Okay, so I have been out of commission for a few days, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Yotan.

    Let me first reinforce what Wreth explained, before plunging into some stupidity, and then finally trying to answer some of your questions.

    First off, Wreth was right. The bounty board ONLY functions as a method for players to put up bounties on THEMSELVES. You would not be able to place bounties on any other characters, and in fact, posting your own bounty would be OoC.

    Now, let me derail a bit here from you Yotan. I bothered sending this idea to the admins. And despite the entire idea having a critical flaw that I was aware of, I was positive that I could come up with a suitable answer to that flaw. I was very wrong. As Twitch pointed out to me, as he usually does with my half-baked plans, we run into the issue of actually succeeding on a bounty board mission. If Sunshine has no in game representation, what happens to players that are successfully captured and detained? Of course I could come up with solutions, but most if not all of them require in game appearances and would require some work. So for now, I am putting the entire thing down, and retooling the entire premise.

    But I will still answer your questions and humor you, Yotan. But more or less, the Sunshine corporation is not going to happen in its current form.

    Are these missions going to be something someone can submit ideas on?
    I have always been a fan of community involvement, so yes, the events would likely be community driven enough to get some input. However, this community is fickle, so despite wanting to listen to everyone, shots would have to be called by a smaller group at the end of the day.

    Also this is going to happen on more than just planets right?
    Yes, I would have these events occur on a variety of planets, as well as asteroid fields and space (Which would just be set in an asteroid field). Think of the events like micro versions of the Opportunity crash, but instead of being marooned, you are looting a crash, or some other type of event.

    As I mean that all factions and colonies are going to be at one point involved in this right?
    I never had any specific plans to involve other colonies. If a colony felt like they wanted to be involved, then they could ask.

    Do characters submit bounty request to Sunshine and then a public notice is sent out on starnet for the bounty? Or is this some metagame, undercover RP BS where somehow Sunshine gets wind of a wanted person like Fernpetal for instance, then they send out a public notice?

    I should be able to answer a few of your questions at once here. Once again, PLAYERS submit bounties for PERSONAL CHARACTERS. Sunshine representatives (me) would then post the bounties via Starnet. When submitting your bounty, you would have to provide an explanation of the character specific crimes, or why specifically this mega corporation would want to acquire your character. So in the instance of Fernpetal, she might be wanted for something she did out of sector in the past. Screwing the corporation, having knowledge she shouldn't, simply being a person of interest, etc. Bounties would be set by the actual crime regarding the backstory given. If you were just some punk they were annoyed with, you would have a low bounty. All bounties would be to take the players alive, since I don't need gun toting badasses shooting up every bounty player they see.

    That should answer almost everything except for the issues with specific colonies, which is an easy answer. If you were bounty hunting, and you decided to corner a character on a planet, and by doing so you were breaking a law, YOU WOULD BE BREAKING A LAW. Now Sunshine wouldn't care about you breaking a few laws, but I would imagine local law enforcement would. So if you attacked Fern on Uwajima, and the punishment for that is beheading or whatever, be prepared to lose your head. I'm not going above colonies on this.

    But as I said, until I fix the more critical flaws with Sunshine, its on pause.
  17. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I didn't mean to sound like an idiot or anything. I just wanted to make sure what I was reading and understand what the sunshine corp does.
  18. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Yep. But as I said, I am not pushing for it in its current form.

    I am actually thinking about retooling it as an instigator for events similar to the Opportunity shipwreck.
  19. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Idea: Bounty Hunters Guild/Faction. A group of people who are recognized by colonies as Bounty Hunters, and are allowed to retrieve their bounties on planets. Still subject to planet laws when not hunting though. Someone flesh it out.

    Also, Node, I think it's a great idea. It could bring some conflict to the server. Maybe also have them target Antares businesses, trying to set up a economic handhold of their own? Take down local economies, and come in saving the day; it would make them money.
  20. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I was specifically avoiding coming in to Antares with Sunshine because I didn't want to introduce this economic behemoth that would put a stranglehold on the economy, Cole. I was more looking to build a conflict generation machine. A hat people would dump their names into, and then it would result in other players tackling them to the ground, or a situation becoming shady at a moments notice. And even more, I wanted it to be faceless. To really have it be this part of the universe that despite seeming corrupt, remained mostly unbiased on all accounts. One that would treat well behaved citizens, and criminals like bandit trash.

    A bounty hunter faction wasn't really the general idea either. That sounds like something that has righteous intents. To actually pursue and stop criminals. As I said, Sunshine pursues everyone, if they are given a decent enough reason. And I mean anyone. If you tried to screw them on a deal, they would try to get you. Resold one of their devices, they're after you. Said that they don't make quality products, you better hope they don't hear. Quit working for them without giving two weeks notice? Run. I wanted to create this ruthless megacorp that literally anyone can work their backstory into if they are from out of sector originally.

    Realistically the only way to fix the idea in its current state would be to build a small team of Antares executives for the company that would make appearances. That or see if theoretically they could pay off functional jails in Antares to do their dirty work. But I'm not about to subject players to a marine prison.

    No one deserves to get locked in a cell and shot to death by 10 players before being incinerated.