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Savage Floran Attack on Katune!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Wombat, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    @Mazékial I wouldn't doubt it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
  2. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Yeah. Either way, I wouldn't fully 100% trust a Hylotl News Network on stories with the word "Floran" anywhere in the subject line. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just saying one should consider the source and ask around to get the full story.
  3. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Pretty sure there are plenty of novakid bandits.

  4. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Every race has bandits, though. He's talking about a specific flaw that the Novakid species in general has done as a relatively collective unit.
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    People like you are the reason those who attempt to bring order to this frontier find it so difficult. You pick the easy path, throw up your hands and let things fall where they may. There are no exceptions. If someone of any races wishes to be part of society at large, they must adapt to what is asked of them. Having a temper, is not an excuse. Something being in their nature, is not an excuse. If they cannot curve their behavior, they do not belong.

    You've done the florans no favors by comparing them to your pet either.

    -Snake Eyes
  6. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Its part of the culture of the flightless to engage in ritual sacrifices. Would we allow them to do such things beacause it's their culture and they felt threatened?

    Would we allow Apex Miniknog agents to publicly torture other people because it's their culture and they felt threatened too?
    Absolutely not.

    This is hipocrisy and you floran sympathizers know it. If it can't adapt to the common norm and forgo the murderous part of its culture like the rest of the species around, it should not be allowed to coexist with us exactly because it takes away the "cooperation" part of coexistence.
    You're comparing a sapient being capable of both beautiful and horrendous things to an animal (mice) which only exists to reproduce and consume.

    You're also saying that this human has commited murder, which is completely untrue. Seeing as what has been said from both sides, it would be most logical to assume that the human was not looking for trouble with the floran. He stole clothes and tried to run away, but encountered a floran that most likely threatened it and then the human pulled out a gun in response. I don't see the any evidence of gunshots in the scene and the floran is unharmed. This tells me that the human probably did point a gun at it in defense, not in an act of assault and hostility.
    We're not talking about which race is better or not. This is a strawman argument.

    You forget the fact that the Floran engulfed many of their colonies and finally destroyed their homeworld in a quest to consume, spread and multiply. This was not a simple skirmish, and the Hylotl are reknowned for their pacificim, their nosiness and obnoxiousness notwithstanding.

    That is the Apex Miniknog government. Visit any of their colonies and you will see for yourself that the populace lives oppressed.

    Civil unrest due to tyranny and the fight for freedom is not the same as killing and consuming sapient beings because of hunger and because you wish to hunt them for sport or because the person is a thief.

    Same as above.

    They are under the Hivemind, they do not not think for themselves. They are akin to programmed androids with definite directives and cannot differ from them. They are not doing it because they can, unlike floran.

    We are not insulting anyone, simply stating facts that should be widely known instead of trying to protect a species that is well known for its hostility and its horrendous habits and tribal features.

    PS: I in no way bear any hatred against florans, I believe that there is always a group that is set apart from the main body. Regardless this Floran does not seem to be part of that group and apparently is incapable of becoming civilized and to become fit for integration in this multispecies intergalactic community.

    #26 Shag, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2015
  7. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    A person got shot at and defended self.
    If any other race did this would be non-story
    Obvious racism.

  8. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    The story is self-defense turned killing, and the killer then gruesomely eating the corpse of the assailant and escaping without consequences.

    Also, racism is hatred against or belief of superiority over one of your own species because of the color of their feathers or where they come from. You mean specieism.

  9. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Probably because most people of the other sentient species typically don't eat the corpse.
  10. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Boris condones savage Floran attack on law-breaking Human. Human was wrong, yes. But was it right to kill and eat Human? No.
    That is all Boris has to say on the matter.

    [email protected]
    "Want quality weaponry? Buy TsKIB!"
  11. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Is the article a piece of sensational reporting, there is no doubt. However, the branding befalling this sentient eating vigilante is far from race or species desrimination. I can't help but notice however this argument tends to come out when all other avenues come to and end. Try to reserve such claims for where they apply.

    When someone dies, authorities of the place where they die are obligated to investigate. Through this we can find the truth. History is written by the victor, as they say. Dead men cannot speak. This floran should turn themselves in, so they can be properly questioned and possibly charged based upon the findings of those who run Katune.

    You have different standards, clearly, but this is how the civilized world works. It is composed of practices, procedures, and safeguards for all. You however preach a favoratisim to your own kind and their actions. You however are not the law of the land, not on Katune at least.

    -Snake Eyes
  12. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Other races claim to be more civilised, but you fear each other as much as you fear us. Floran encountered other races and discovered they always have locks on their homes, safes and locked doors. Floran thought it was incase of attack from other race, but floran learn that other races had locks on homes before ever encountered other races. Other races lock homes and hide away because afraid of being hurt or stolen from by neighbour.

    Floran not have locks on doors, florans not steal from florans. Only other races not feel safe in own settlement from neighbour

    Floran not like this, floran trust neighbour, floran work together, tribe have unity, cooperation, teamwork. Floran selfless and take action to help tribe and ally as much as self.

    Floran get attacked, floran defend self, eliminate threat, then consume threat, energy gained from eating eliminated threat help floran get energy to heal wounds. You say floran should not be able to heal self after shot at for no reason? What more important, respect person who try to kill you, or get energy to heal self so can continue to live and benefit tribe.

    You cannot call self civilised when culture so selfish. You earn pixels and get job to help self, only begrudgingly work for other to get payment for self. Floran tribe have trust and unity, every floran know role and do role for good of tribe. We are uncivilised, yet you are ones with so much petty infighting, thievery, and distrust for your kin. This not make sense to floran.

    Floran protect self, Kluex birdmen try and stop floran building new homes, scientist apex try and take floran for experiment, hylotl try and destroy floran culture, USCM attack floran, sabotage floran supply and equipment.

    Glitch only one who respect floran, glitch friend of floran and long time ally.

    Floran not hate other races, but we not afraid to eliminate threats to us.

    Not want to get eaten by floran? Don't shoot at one.

  13. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Your experiences do not speak for the whole of a species just as mine do not. Each member of any given species is capable of great good or horrible evil. I ask that this one floran be held accountable for their actions in accodance with the law. You would wish to see no such action taken due to what? Floran culture and what you deem correct?

    Your pretty speech of floran superiority proves the point you are the one with the bias quite nicely though. Before you claim racism or speciesism in the future, perhaps you should consider your stance is tainted on the matter, and favors your kin and allies over the rule of the land.

    -Snake Eyes
  14. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    I had to laugh.

    No amount of pretty words and absolving your species of faults will make eating other sentient beings in public permissable or correct, regardless of the circumstances.

  15. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Logged in as Plutonia

    Loading video.......10%.....30%.......60%....100%

    *A pink Novakid is standing in front of the cam, looks like she's a female, casual clothing*

    - RIIGHT IN THEIR TEETH ! You ser speak wisdom !..Make troubles and get watcha deserv'
    - Oh and that guy who made th'announce is a fuckin' liar.
    *After a moment of silence*
    - Gotta get some fue'

    *The video ends there*
  16. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    This is what happens when you let Florans get too close to the civilized aliens.

    - Crow
  17. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Wow. This argument is a waste of time. The thing is, at the end of the day, the colony owner decreed the outcome of this event, and nothing can change that. Posting here really does nothing, not even changes anyone's point of view. So please, continue your narrow minded arguments about Florans. When the body bags start piling up on both sides, and we reach all out war, I'll know just who to side with...

  18. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    These talks make Hakachi feel even worse than before. Hakachi is not savage. hakachi is not a bad person. Situation goes like this

    Hakachi finds out a human stole from other human. hakachi goes and finds a human who seems suspicious. hakachi walks up to him and CALMLY ASKS HUIMAN IF HUMAN KNEW ABOUT CLOTHES. human turns around and IMMEDIATELY START SHOOTS AT HAKACHI. immediately. no pause. not even say a word just start shooting. bullets hit hakachi and make hakachi bleed bad. hakachi gets angry and attacks human and jumps on top of him and bites humans throat to kill him. hakachi did not eat ALL of human just throat and some of sides to kill human. hakachi then go to hospital because hakachi is hurt bad.

    meates do not understand Floran. Floran and meats are not same. share some internal body parts maybe. share some wishes and some wants and some desires. not the same though. meats are of the flesh and of the blood. floran are of the fiber and of the sap. not the same. do not work the same. do not think the same. florans do not have to think and act like meats to be good. florans dont have to change to the way of the meat man. if florans act like meats then we would kill and fight for different reasons but would still fight and kill. The meats on this board lack a floran understanding. they see only from the eyes of the meats and that is why they do not understand the floran way.
  19. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Ok, if the Floran is telling the truth, boom, we have new evidence: Hakachi's bites were intended to kill the target, not defile the corpse after killing. They still have to deal with the fact that they killed someone instead of detaining them, but that's a step up and has a much better case of self-defense than the accusations of feasting upon the remains of a successful kill. I'd need to see the body for myself to confirm this is where I stand, so this post is mostly just playing devil's advocate to show a point.
  20. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    If you wish to be part of society at large, you adapt to the culture that is set. Just as I will not walk into floran tribelands and expect them to co form to my beliefs. You wish for people to not treat you as a savage, as someone just as everyone else. Now that this has broken down due to your actions, you recant, and now claim you are different so we should treat you as an exception. The universe does not revolve around you.

    When a civilian walks around on a law governed planet, they do so with the understanding that the law apply to everyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or species. If you cannot respect that, you have no place within these pockets of society. This is not a difficult thing to ask of anyone.
    If you find this to difficult, try harder. If you find this impossible, then perhaps you are not ready to be part of the civilized universe.
    -Snake Eyes