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Savage Floran Attack on Katune!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Wombat, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    Pictured, an injured floran next to a descimated and eaten human
    corpse, their ribs and thrown torn open, blood staining the Floran's mouth.

    On Katune, at an unknown time, a Floran savagely attacked a man who tried in vain to defend himself, and was killed by the beast. Rest his soul, we turn to our resident Hylotl Analyst with this to say.

    "Floran are a savage species, uncontrollably killing anything that looks at them funny! I suggest that we try to bring the enlightenment of our clearly valid culture!" Our analyst said.

    Hylotl News Network will continue to bring you the latest happenings on Antares, Goodnight, and Stay Safe.

    End Broadcast
    #1 Wombat, Apr 15, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
  2. Wombat

    Wombat Guest


    Upon trying to document this case, we were forced off colony by a Floran apologist, who threatened to and I quote, "Fry our asses." We can only assume that this is the result of political correctness gone too far!

    Hylotl News Network will continue to bring you the latest happenings on Antares, Goodnight, and Stay Safe.

    End Broadcast
  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Photo is of Hakachi. Hakachi defends self and people from human. human steal clothes from other human. Hakachi ask human about what happen and human turns around and shoots hakachi. it hurt very much. hakachi gets very angry and attacks human. Yes Hakachi ate the human. The human was bad. Very bad. very bad human. deserved it.

    Hakachi writes this from bed. hakachi is hurt very bad. hyltol is dumb if you think Florans are bad.
  4. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Also maybe if hyltol wants to have good news service they can try to spell right.
  5. Diehardpatriot

    Diehardpatriot New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    < . . . Submitting reply . . . >
    < . . . Reply Submitted . . . >

    While freedom of press is exercised on Katune, the reporter who has submitted these articles has shown to have been biased against Florans. Although no crimes have been committed, it will be considered a public offense to release further articles containing clearly biased, and/or racist annotations involving Katune or Katune related events.

    Further offenses will be met with repercussions. You have been warned.

    - Max
    < . . . Closing . . . >
  6. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    If you are certain of your innocence, kindly to turn yourself over to Katune's security forces so they can conduct a proper investigation into the happenings.
    - Snake Eyes
  7. TheAngryMelon

    TheAngryMelon The most furious fruit

    Jun 6, 2014
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    As the victim of the mugging, I can vouch for the Floran's innocence.
    While I would have preferred to get my clothing back, and not needing a set of scuba gear to do so, I'm willing to testify that Miss Hakachi was acting in self defense.

  8. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    Yeah hakachi is not going to do that.
  9. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Plutonia*

    Loading video>>>>>>40%>>>>>60%>>>>>100%

    *A pink female Novakid is watching at the cam, casual clothing*

    - What is tha' shit folk ? Why are ya' lying ?

    - I was there when it happen' and it was Nax who told tha' human to fuck away.

    - That's jus' a cart filled with coal instead of gold.

    *She approaches the cam and the video ends*

    Replay ?
  10. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Why, you claim to have done nothing wrong. You dispute the claims you are a savage. Yet you feel you above the laws which govern this colony? You have in acted self imposed justice upon another living creature. You have slain this person, be it in self defense or not. You have devoured their body in a public space in which others happened upon you.

    Turn yourself in and face the governing body be it as a victim, witness, or offender of its laws. To do anything else is to spit in the face of those of us who wish to see order gain a foothold out here.

    -Snake Eyes
  11. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    USERNAME: Hakachi'Nija

    and what says you will not hold Hakachi againts Hakachis will. you held other florans other meats against will. Hakachi has done nothing wrong. hakachi will not be in cell. hakachi refuse cell. will not go to cell. if you wish to speak to Hakachi then talk to Hakachi on open ground.
  12. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I am not part of Katune's security. Just an observer of the rule of law. If you are unwilling or unable to adhere to that which governs, do not show your face on their soils.

    -Snake Eyes
  13. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I like how civilized this place is.
    While I advocate for justice, this is no way to resolve problems. Are we allowing these "tame" florans to consume other sentient beings in public and consider it normal?

    What kind of psycho allows this? Katune has a security force does it not? Use it. Regardless of whether the man stole clothes or not, or shot the floran or not, he deserved trial and the correct punishment he was to receive which would probably not be capital punishment.

    Murdering him and desecrating his remains and eating him makes you just as bad as the now-deceased criminal offender if not worse.

    This floran is in no way "harmless" to society if it is capable of disarming a gunman and eating him as if he were common wild game. I think Katune should review its security policy if it is to maintain any sort of sovereignty over its territory.

    People should be wary of this floran and rightly so.

    Floran-sympathizers should refer to the Second Contact War between florans and avians, if not the destruction of the Hylotl homeworld. Clearly, no matter how much they say they are "friendss of meatsmenn" and they are "civilized" they still cannot reign in their innate savagery and horrendous nature.

  14. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Why care what happen to body of person that try to commit murder.

    If not want to get eaten, shouldn't attack floran.

  15. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    Have you gone mad? You admit they broke no laws and yet you threaten them with repercussions. I have a feeling the article author is not the only biased one here.

    There is self-defense, and there is wanton violence and savagery. Vigilante justice is sometimes necessary in extreme circumstances, but under no circumstances should you EAT the offender. What logic runs through your savage brain?

    #15 Optimism, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  16. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Human try to kill floran, so floran kill human. Human tasty so floran eat human, give floran energy to heal.
    Is very sound logic. If not want to get eaten, shouldn't attack floran.
    Don't push your weakness onto florans.

    Floran proud of tribemember defending self.

  17. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    That logic would come from a sociopath or someone completely lacking any subjectivity in their logic. Or a Floran.

    It's not the notion of self-defense that bothers me, but rather the fact that not only did this Floran kill the attacker, but also ate them. Keep your savagery to the worlds that you call your own, and don't push your exotic appetites into public eye. I trust this colony's security will detain this Floran if they return, and offer suitable punishment for such a disgusting offense. Let it be a message to the whole tribe that the consumption of other sentient beings is a filthy practice that will not be tolerated on public worlds under any circumstances.

    #17 Optimism, Apr 16, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
  18. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanji ~ While I don't care to heard about this savagery. I do agree that the article is highly bias against the floran in question. No wonder word from the frontier is next to nothing. Can't even get the news right. Also who is the reporter and from new company do they hail from. This seems suspicious to me, could it be a set up. It would not be beyond those lower life forms to hire a person to frame another. In this case it seems that someone hired the human to cause issues with the floran, increasing hostility toward the florans. I surely hope that the colony security will fully investigate the situation and not simply let the crime fade.
  19. GoneDark

    GoneDark Previously Darkwill

    Feb 7, 2015
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    We all know Florans have a temper about them. So if this man really did attack the Floran, then he should have known what he was getting into. Was the eating a little extreme? Yes... To us Humans.

    You have to remember, it's part of their culture though. That's like saying those 21st century Earth religions shouldn't have been allowed to practice their beliefs, because they seemed "barbaric" or "backwards".

    Take it from one who's owned a cat. The mouse I once had in my house way back knew there was a cat around. Yet it pushed it's luck and got caught by the cat, soon also being consumed by it. And he took his time... Frankly, I'm glad that there are there are Florans around nice enough to only kill aggressive scum and murderous filth. If they eat them, then oh well! Price of messing with a Floran.

    Also, what makes any other race any better?

    Hylotl: known for seeing every other species as inferior, and committing numerous atrocities against the Florans during the skirmish between the two.

    Apex: known for a brutal dictatorship, and a bloody civil war.

    Avians: A violent history of religious sacrifice and internal conflict, subjugation and cruelty towards one another.

    Humans: Same as above, (minus the religious sacrifice for the most part), albeit on a greater scale for smaller reasons.

    Glitch: Known for the persecution and execution for those with different opinions from the hivemind.

    Novakid... Actually you guys are alright. Keep doing whatever it is you all are doing.

    So yeah. While it's easy to insult a "Xeno", remember, they're only a xeno to you, and you are one to them.


  20. Mazékial

    Mazékial New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Novakid master race confirmed.

    Or, uh, maybe they have just forgotten about any atrocities their people have comitted? I mean, I know Novakid just have a short attention span, not a constant case of amnesia, but 90% of the Novakids I've met since coming here don't even know their own names. So..maybe? Ok bye.