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Something for the Flightless and Stargazers ?

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Darkwhip, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Hey, so I was thinking about that for a moment already and has I noticed there was a good hand of Flightless and probably Stargazers.
    If I am right, the Holy Fleet used to be in the sector and did had a colony. I play a character who is a Flightless and the roleplay isn't always great ( not enough) Indeed you'll say: ''Well make another character'' you're right, I could. But I don't want to. So I was wondering if anyone was interested in making a village/place for the Flightless, Stargazers where they could re-group together, maybe have some Priests. But of course, I am not speaking of temple roleplay in particular but is always a possibility. But if there was any roleplay concerning a temple with priesthood you can be sure to say no to sacrifices because in my opinion, sacrifices only happens in Avos which are the ''Holy lands'' home world of the Avians, should be the only place where ''Kluex claims a sacrifice''

    Anyway, just an idea.
    #1 Darkwhip, Apr 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2015
  2. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    That sound great. I for one am not for playing a Avian. But your flightless could get in to issues with the grounded from time to time. I think this has a great potential for RP on both sides.
  3. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    This isn't really likely, seeing as there are sacrificial altars and towers spread all throughout the stars. Chances are they happen wherever sacrifices are. Captured grounded, Hylotl, Ascendants, etc. Heck, the Holy Fleet even (wanted) to carry out sacrifices more often then they actually got to.

    The Holy Fleet didn't have its own colony, either. But rather served to either 'protect' (read: oppress) colonies, or guard the lenient Flightless colony of Alioth (kind of?). They did have a few military outposts, but Alioth was the closest to a true Flightless colony you will find in the server's history.

    That said, it's not a bad idea. If you can muster together the population for it.
  4. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Well i'll try, but Krystal is no village founder or sort of mayor.
  5. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I like it. More fights between Grounded and Flightless. More conflict.

    Just keep in mind "Stargazers" are the absolute top of the avian hierarchy. The ones who know the truth about Kluex and use it to control the Flightless population. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have Stargazers running around Antares.
  6. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Sunborn are the Avian Gods, Kluex is the Almighty Sunborn, a mortal Avian who Ascended to godhood.

    Some avians train to be ascendants. Ascendance is a grueling and long course avians must endure to train themselves for the leap of faith, where they leap from towers in an attempt to join Kluex as a sunborn. If they succeed they will fly and join Kluex in the Aether. All since Kluex have failed, most die from the fall.

    Stargazers are the political party currently in control of the government of Avos (The Avian homeworld) and the faction in control of the Avian Empire as a whole.

    The clipped Council are the voice of the Stargazers and the visible government of Avos. Kluex (According to the clipped council) speaks to the Stargazers, the Stargazers then ferry messages to a from Kluex and the Clipped council through their ability to fly to and from Kluex.

    The regular religious population of the Avian Empire are the flightless. They believe that Kluex rules them from the Aether, the Stargazers carry his messages down directly from the aether due to their ability to fly, and bring the messages to the clipped council. The clipped council govern the Avian Empire based on Kluex's will. According to the council daily sacrifice is part of Kluex's demands, especially of grounded, though many devout flightless willingly give themselves up for Kluex. The flightless do sacrifice unwilling victims to Kluex on sacrificial altars, including members of the other races.

    The grounded are the athiest. They who claim Kluex is a false god and reject the cruel practices of the flightless. They believe the claims of the Clipped council are false, and are just being used to control the Avian population.

    The actual truth is unknown, even from an OOC real world perspective, the lore does not say whether it is true or not currently. Kluex may be real or the clipped council may be lying about the existance of the Stargazers flying to and from the Aether for them, and their existance, and the existance of Kluex, or it may all be real.

    Kluex was real at some point in Avos' history. But whether he still exists and whether the Stargazers can truly fly to and from Kluex in the Aether, is unknown.
    #6 Wreth, Apr 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2015
  7. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Daily sacrifice, you craycray ? The Avian lore says that Kluex rarely claims sacrifices, but when he does it happens.
  8. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    That is written by an in universe character who is a worshiper of Kluex of which obvious bias is displayed. They are clearly trying to make the sacrifices seem less bad.

    ''The Nature of Sacrifice

    by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar

    For as long as we can remember, our temples have contained sacrificial altars. Our god, Kluex, is merciful and just, and rarely demands sacrifice. But when he does, we comply. The blessed spilled blood fertilises the earth, allowing its power to transfer into the sky, keeping our Heavens alive.''

    A second in universe source says this

    ''You're feeling anxious today. Start the morning off by attending the daily sacrifice, then try to mop up some of the blood to take home and spread it on your shoulders so that you may sprout wings and become one with the Aether.''
  9. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    It is mentioned, though I think in one of the News Articles, that there are daily sacrifices. (One of the Starbounder Articles, a horoscope I think, recommending that Flightless paint their face feathers with a bit of blood from the morning sacrifices or such.) How reliable the Starbounder is as a source of canon news is totally unknown, of course.