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Ion's Journal v.2

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Node, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    >Logging in as User Ion
    >Accessing Ion's Journal v.2
    >As I sit here, attempting to make sure that the production of no doubt illegal substances is going smoothly, I wondered how I got to this point in my life. Of course, I can remember most of what has happened since my banishment, and perhaps I am paranoid, but I sense dark things approaching. It has become apparent to me that very few know of my story, and that if anything ever happened to me, then I should leave some form of data behind. Though I am sure I will never become a piece to any puzzle of significant importance, perhaps at the very least my friends would like to know of my history.

    >I'll begin with the story of my banishment. Please, forgive me if I am an unreliable narrator, for the first story begins over a year ago I believe.

    >I am an android, created just outside of Antares. A fully functioning artificial intelligence, held within a mechanical body. I was designed with the intent and purpose to be a weapon in Antares, by a man named Sampson Sunshine. Of course, this was not the goal of the agency that Sunshine was a part of, and on discovering his goal, Sunshine was immediately arrested, and "Project Holoagent" was shut down, and the single prototype was to be destroyed.

    >Of course this never happened. I have never been clear on the details, but while awaiting my decommission, Sunshine burst into the chamber I was in. I remember him being armed, which I regarded as strange. At the time I was naive enough to wonder why a criminal might have been given a shotgun by those who arrested him. I remember him giving me a gun as well, before we attempted to escape.

    >We were stopped by a small group of soldiers, and from here my memory goes black. The next thing I knew, I woke up on an ice covered planet. I was having trouble remembering anything that happened. I could barely remember my own name or where I was from. Sunshine was just a vague memory, and soon he faded completely as I associated my appreciation towards the physical sun keeping me alive. I was not here for too long, for it was on this planet that I would meet my first ally. A man named Evan Lockheart.

    >And I would begin to appreciate the atrocities of Antares.
  2. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    >Logging in as User Ion
    >Accessing Ion's Journal v.2
    >It did not take me long to leave an empty ice rock for warmth. Evan provided me with new clothing to replace my tattered rags, and took me to a place I would soon come to warmly regard as a home; Haus. Haus really was not anything overly special. A bar over top of wrought irons and pipes spewing lava from the planet's core. Other features included a rebel group that would often attempt to help and rescue innocents from around Antares.

    Evan was one of these rebels, and took me back into their base. I was not a member of their group, but it was a temporary place to stay. Or it would have been if not for P8-Tonn. The leader of this so called rebel faction was less than pleased with my presence. Though Evan would make a case for me, I only had a few days to get out.

    Unless of course I joined the rebel group. Homeslessness sounded far less than ideal, so I took them up on the offer. I had to train my way through Evan, P8, and a woman named Aiko. After sparring with each of them, having won a few bouts, I was accepted into their ranks, however I was on probation.

    Everything was looking good. But then they came along. The Helios Technocracy. More like the Helios Technocrazy. These guys were bad news, and causing all sorts of trouble in the galaxy. After receiving an anonymous tip from someone that an android was living on Haus, they quickly came to seize me. I woke up on their ship with a tesla coil to my back, and they threatened to fry me if I did not comply. I proceeded to not comply. I broke one of their noses, and escaped their ship back to Haus.

    At this point, I was not aware that I was an android. The incident with Helios left me more than a little rattled, and I was upset. However the Technocrazy made sure to sink what little chance I had at happiness at the time into the ground. They did a little digging on me, and found documents relating to "Project Holoagent". Leaking these documents to P8, I was banned from Haus' rebel group. P8 realized I was a weapon, warned me that if I ever showed my face again, he would kill me.

    I had no where to go, and no friends. But soon I got an anonymous tip about a place that was offering free housing. It became quickly apparent to me that I should have never listened to this man's word.

    Because listening to him is how I ended up on Luminaria; The slavery planet.
  3. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    >Logging in as User Ion
    >Accessing Ion's Journal v.2
    >When I first arrived at Luminaria, my eyes absolutely lit up (Not literally, although I should look in to having lights installed in my eyes). Not only was I excited to call this new place my home, but I had a feeling that this would be a fantastic place to live. The quaint town, watched over by a tower that nearly reached space was wonderfully enticing.

    Until I was shown my home. The Luminarian slums was one of the worst places I had ever been; A literal hole in the ground, patched together with scrap metals and garbage. The slums were home to all sorts of questionable characters. It was repulsive to say the least.

    To anyone reading, they might be curious as to why I did not just leave. Though it might have been obvious to a vast group of people, somehow it eluded me that going to a planet rampant with slavery, with no money and no ship was actually a terrible idea.

    Upon this realization, I quite obviously attempted to acquire a ship. Unfortunately, the planet was in a constant state of lock down, much to my chagrin. The only man even selling ships, was selling them for an over inflated price I could not hope to afford. It was also apparent to me that Luminaria was not a galactic hot spot, and not too many travelers besides its residents came past.

    So I remained trapped. And it would be a long few months.
  4. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    >Logging in as User Ion
    >Accessing Ion's Journal v.2
    >My time on Luminaria was less than pleasant to say the least. I lived in a pit of trash, just outside the city. At the very least, Luminaria was quiet.

    My routine was almost the same every day. I would go to the market, and steal some food. I would go home to prepare the food before I would head back to the market. I would speak to the slaves for some time, slipping them some of my food before heading home for the evening. It was at this point that I would feed a mutt in the slums, before trying to make a radio out of garbage to ask for someone to come get me out of this dump.

    My memory around this time period becomes a little foggy. Luminaria is not just a blur because I repress it, but I believe I was subject to memory reassignment. I vaguely remember having friends, though I can not say I remember who they were. But I do remember one thing. That anonymous tip I had gotten, I finally realized who it was from.

    Node of the Black Star, a deplorable man. I am not sure what exactly his goal was by getting me to show up on Luminaria, but before I knew it, I woke up in a cage with him looming over me. I attempted to strike him, only to have him put me back down. I remember he and his gang laughing. I spent quite a while in this cell. I was used to feeling trapped at this time.

    It was a dark night. I suppose because in space, it is always night, and it is always dark. However, I suppose it is more dramatic. The cell door opened, though I could not make out who it was. I was dragged out of the cell, and brought to the teleporter pad. Standing almost stoically in the light of the pad was none other than Node himself. He quickly beamed us out of the ship.

    The next thing I knew, I was standing on his ship. The ship was dimly lit, illuminated only by the purple consoles and data banks surrounding us. I had no idea what he was up to, but he gave me a somewhat reassuring nod before walking out of the teleporter room towards the cockpit. As I entered the hull of the ship, I was greeted by a rather familiar face.