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Baileaf's Logs, Past Days

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Dimmie, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    The Logged name seems to have been added in on a different date and translate over to all logs, the days continue normally yet automatically, same goes for the Log number and time. The only things manually placed in appears to be the titles and the logs themselves.

    Day 001
    Log 000
    Title: "Monster"
    Name: Baileaf Lettruce, Yeah, thisss one thinksss... Sssuch a goofy name. But, Floransss.. Haah.
    Time: 00:30

    The clearing of her throat echoed throughout the ship, the Floran's voice hoarse from screaming. "Today, thisss one realized sssshe wasss a monssster." She paused, her breathing a paced, garbled shudder mixed with a weakened will, momentarily choked sob emitting from the audio log was followed by the crackle and rustle of foliage pressing against one another. "I... I... Floran hassss met many meatss--, no.. No.. People.. Isss people.. Old.. Tribe wasss wrong.. Wrong wrong... WRONG. WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!"

    Frantic screaming emits through the log, accompanied by loud crashes. The sound of objects being broken, leaves being torn, wood being splintered into pieces after it collided with the wall. Eventually it all comes to an end. Just quieted sobs and choked out hiccups. "Thisss one alwaysss thought.. Alwaysss told.. Isss jussst meat.. Wasss hurt.. Hurt by old triibbbee.." She hiccups between her nearly incoherent rambling. "Wasss broken they sssaid, hurt, hurt until ssshe ssscreamed, and begggeeeed... Ssssaid what they wanted, believed what I wassss told.. Told told.. All LIESSS LIESSS LIESSS!"

    The screaming ignite ones again, only to be abruptly cut off by wretched coughing and the sound of spittle splattering against the floor. Wheezing, shaken coughs finally come to an end. "Floran... Ssso old... Red.. Red in the ssspit..Haah. Hurrtssss hurrrtsss.. Dessservesss.. Floran alwayssss felt ssso wrooong.. Sssso bad... Why only ssstab? Why only cut... Meat ssscreamsss when hurt.. Doesss Floran not ssscream too? Metal-Fisssh told thisss one.. Would ssshe not dissslike to be hurt?"

    "Metal-Fisssh... Flessshling sssolour... Friendly sssinging bird.. Facesss, all facesss that remind Floran..." There's a click somewhere, rewinding logs, a human vocie emitting from the first. "John Mitchelson of the USMC Entourage--" Another click, another voice, younger an youthful, the sound of ruffling feathers emitting from elsehwere. "Today is the day! The day we get away from it all-" Another click, loud laughter and happy giggle. Fits of joyful Floran hissing and what sounded like the giggles of a Hylotl. Another click, the grunting anger of an Apex. "Let the children go." "Floran ssseesss sssuch sssuccleant treatsss." Screaming, sorrow-filled, fearful screaming of children and defender does little to drown out the sickening sound of flesh being torn and ripped.

    Another click.

    "Sssorry ssssory i'm sssos ssorry... Sssorry... Sssorry.. Ssssorry.. Ssso sss..sssorry..." The broken voice ends with more violent thrashing noises and pitching, broken sobs.

    The audio log comes to an abrupt end without further explanation.

    End Log.
    #1 Dimmie, Mar 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  2. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Day 002
    Log 001
    Title: "Broken"
    Name: Baileaf Lettruce, Yeah, thisss one thinksss... Sssuch a goofy name. But, Floransss.. Haah.
    Time: 0830

    "Floran woke up today... Handsss bleeding, fingersss sswollen.. Wrecked old meat room. Wiresss hang from ceiling, thisss one isss going to... Flusssh the bonessss into ssspace. Reluctant to get rid of torture room... Pain, pain made thisss one happy." There was a quiet, and pained whine that followed the statement, accompanied by a hiccup. Her voice sounded like an absolute wreck, a horrid abominable whisper rather then actual speach.

    "Addsss game room.. Perhapsss.. Floran wil conssider. Old toysss in ssstorage. I think that one dancing game wasss fun when thissss one tried it. Floran hasss the movesss haaah..." It sounds so utterly forced. The way she spoke, the occasional crackiing of her voice. As if she was trying so, so desperately hard to maintain her guise of carefree joy.

    It all, came crashing down as the audio log continues. "I... I am ssscared. Cannot, I cannot tell Ssstab-dancer.. Can't even tell Grey-Mossss or or--, or tribe... Floran isss reclusssive. Would they notice, if I.. Vanissshed. Maybe, maybe I can do what Aruana offered.. Get a job a Kero Kero.. Wear a masssk, ussse voice modulator clan gave Floran..."

    A twisting motion, the sound of something metallic smacking against a desk and silence. "Needsss to trim leavesss.. Will hurt.. Fl... I dessserve thiss.. Will sssoon. Uhm, ah.. Could ssseek friend Sssolour. He messsaged earlier, wanting to hang out.. I.. I haven't replied yet, flessh--, He.. He knowsss Ssstab-Dancer. Ssso nervousss. If.. If tribe findsss out that Flo-- That I'm.. Not thinking normally.. That I.. I think that humansss and F--Hylotlsss and Bi-Aviansss and Apexesss aren't meat anymore..."

    "I know.. I'm broken. Wasss born broken. Old chieftain ssshould have killed thisss one.. Isss defaulty like mad glitch. Twisssted and gnarled, rotted weed in tribesss beautiful garden." A deep sigh escaped her maw, the sound of her hands pressing against her face was soon accompanied by a quiet crying.

    "Doessss not want to be fixed... I like having friendssss... Floran likesss ssseeing other.. Fl--, people.. People asss.. People. It knowsss ssshe isss broken... Firssst log ssscreamed that tribesss were wrong, everything wassss lie. Thisss one isssn't right.. Tribe isss right. I'm jussst.. Broken..." A choked hiccup is all that follows for a good few minutes, everything silent but the constant hum of the ships engines and Baileaf's own breathing.

    Eventually the quiet is broken, her voice but above a whisper. "Tomorrow.. Will contact metal-fisssh firssst... Floran trusstsss friend Sssolour.. But, needsss to ssshow Aruana.. Tell her... Asssk her why? Floran will ssshow her old video logsss.. Of all the onesss I've hurt.." She sounded shaken, afraid, and yet firm. "Hasss to warn.. That Floransss are monsssterss..."

    "Petaldancer, Baileaf, Ssstab-Dancer, Grey-Mosss. Every Floran isss monssster... Beautiful monssstersss.. Thisss one isss jussst weak, thisss on iss jussst broken.. Will invite to ssship tomorrow.. Ssshow her. Warn her. Then fisssh- Then.. Then Aruana can really decide if.. If thiss one isss forgivable..."

    End Log.
  3. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Security Log Footage: 001
    Time: 4:35, AM.
    Room: Resting Area

    A slow panning motion of the apex camera as its foreboding gaze rolled over the bedroom. The private quarters of the ship was silent and unmoving, the footage in grainy black and white. Broken bits of furniture, discarded tools flung about wildly about, and lasty the owner of the ship itself sitting on the bed. There was a few flickers as it switched towards the outer cameras, the one situated near the beam pad. A figure clad in full armor beaming away. Another flicker and it was back within the room, the time reading but a few seconds later.

    At first the figure just sits there in utter silence. The time ticked by. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Finally the Floran rose from the floor. Wandering over towards a pile of tools. A thin bit of wire. Tested, pressed against, yanked and pulled. The entirity of it muted due to the lack of sufficient wiring or perhaps programming technique. The ruined table is moved towards a jutting torn block of limp wood hanging from a destroyed creation.

    Looped, pulled tightened. The thin wire was put into place. Dangling from side to side loosely as the silent Floran stared at it, the camera only catching a back view as it whirred and clicked, the security system picking up the image, reflecting the Floran's nimble and battered fingertips as she started tying it into a noose.

    It settled firmly against her throat, her leg kicking back, a sudden smack against the chair as it thwumped backwards. Silent gagging immediately followed as her feet kicked about wildly, toes desperately trying to reach towards the ground while her fingertips clawed at her throat. As each second ticked by, her struggles grew less and less fiercesome and desperate. Until she was limp, strewn by the wooden beam and the wire.

    It didn't last, the wood bent and broke from previous damage, and soon she was on the floor. Unmoving, unblinking and.. A sudden sharp intake of air, her body writhing as she curled into a tight little ball. Trembling and sobbing in the silence of the ship. The camera soon enough carrying on with its rotation, as if nothing happened.

    End Footage
  4. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Day 004
    Log 002
    Title: "Lifeless"
    Name: Baileaf Lettruce, Yeah, thisss one thinksss... Sssuch a goofy name. But, Floransss.. Haah.
    Time: 2035

    "Throat hurtsss..." She wheezes weakly. The audio log grainy as if the devices she uses to record them were damaged. "Floran ssskipped yesssterday. Ssssorry diary... Wasss asssleep. Didn't wake up, woke up hungry thisss morning.. I tried to eat but wassss disssgussting.. Meat made ssstomach churn. Food make ssstomach churn... Will try to eat later. Sssh... Got messsage from Ssstab-dancer, about repairing a Glitch.."

    There was a long sigh, the sound of slumping against something echoing across the audio log. "Didn't reply... Didn't reply to sssolour.. didn't reply to Ssstab-dancer.. Floran wondersss if ssshe will ever leave ssship again...What. What I did.." She chokes out a pained sob. "Hurt, I hurt friend.. Took sssomething preciousss.. Loved every ssssecond.. But friend didn't want sssuch thingsss.."

    "It wasss bad, knew it wasss bad. Whhy.. Why did I do it... Floran..Wissshesss ssshe could go back in time.. Ssstop from doing.. Worssst thing ever done. Friend.. Friend.."Quiet scraping ensues, the sound of fingers flaying against a metallic top. "Thiss one isss monssster. I am.. Jussst monssster... Made her cry... Thief.. Sssstole, ssstole.." She whines pathetically, each one turning into a choked sob.

    "Monssster.... Wissshesss ssshe could die.. ssscared, ssscared. My throat hurtsss ssso much. Ssso hungry. Can't eat.. Jussst wantsss to sssee friendsss again... But issss bad. Tribe will teach Floran.. Maybe Floran ssshould. Forget... Hurt.. Pain.. Get fixed, become.. Floran again." There was a lingering pause afterwards, only th sound of Baileaf's breathing emitting from the microphone. Before the sound of vicious screeching and slamming follows suit.

    "NO. NO. NO. SSSTOLE FOR NO REASSSON. HURT FOR NO REASSSON. ALL LOSSSST. FLORAN... Floran... Becomessss broken... Undone at ssseamsss... Aruana wantssss me to change... Mussst change.. Or keep trying until body iss cold and lifelesss... Hahh.. Ssso hungry.. Ssstomach hurtsss.. Mussst eat, can't eat.."

    "Needsss to buy ssstrong wire sssoon.. Doesssn't want to leave ssship... Hass been eying gunsss too. Mussst lock them away. Hide the key... I'm ssscared. Floran isss ssscared.. What if.. Friend visssitsss again. What if.. I do it, again. Hurt Aruana... Twissst wordsss.. Playsss fake.. Hurtsss.. That isss all I can do. Hurt people.." It chokes off, twisting sinister snarls ebb from the broken sobs, the sounds of fingers digging against foilage, as the snarls contort into twisted laughter.

    "Floran likessss it, I like it.. Like like love it.. Ssso much funnn.. Ssso much fun wantsss to ssstop but can't.. Can't.. Will hurt again.. No.. No musssst not.. Isss bad.. Bad.. But felt ssso right.. Haaahhhaaahaaa... Can't decide.. Can't decide!? Meat isss meat. To be toyed with!? Haaaahaaaa! Noo.. No.. Isss not.. Feelsss like thisss one.. Isss alive like thisss one FLORAN.. DOESS NOT KNOW.. Noo.. Friend.. Why.. Why isss Floran alive..."

    "Why didn't you kill me.."

    End Log.
  5. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Day 005
    Log 003
    Title: "Barbaric"
    Name: Baileaf Lettruce, Yeah, thisss one thinksss... Sssuch a goofy name. But, Floransss.. Haah.
    Time: 7025

    "Dissgussting!" There's a hiss as the Floran speaks, an idle thump as her fist collides with a table. The annoyance in her voice is palpable, the shuffling of a wrench and the sound of leaking water marring the normally clean audio log. "Today Floran landed on fisssh'sss planet. Full ocean, amazing sssunlight filtersss through glassss above.. Ssship had a bit of hull damage from the crasssh but otherwissse isss fine. Lotssss of water, but can deal with that later, when Floran isss feeling lesss lazy."

    The sound of water being drained comes to a halt with a final twist of metal, the wrench musta got its job right. "That isss not what dissgussstsss Floran. Two tribesss memberssss decided that proper -mating- area wasss Floransss hot tub. Filthy, filthy thingsss!" She seethes with a shuffling of leaves. "Floran isss not making another warm watersss on main ssship. No more, that isss -not- happening again. I refussse."

    A quiet snap and a bit of cold, cruel and calculating laughter is heard from the bitter elder Floran. "But, thisss one hasss plansss. Camerasss.. Floran isss alwaysss watching. Can ussse sssecurity footage to blackmail the more sssentient of the two. Sssuppliesss, pixelsss, what thisss one needsss.. Thisss one ssshall get. With little effort now. Asss for the other, ssshe isss gulliable. Will manipulate, make her help with repairsss, hunt, teach Floran how to ussse those ssstaff thingsss. Repayment of 'debt' for ruining good warm watersss."

    She bursts into a fit of jubilient giggles, a quiet blissful sigh following suit. "Wasss disssgusssting... No desssire to make sssure the partner wassss enjoying it.. Wasssn't like what I and the Hylotl had.. Yesss.. Held ssso tightly, carresssed and craddled-- but ssshe ssstopped, ssstarted crying after remembering what I did... Thisss one doesss not dessserve ssssuch thingsss anyhow. Would take and sssteal, bend and break, if I wasss ssstrong enough..."

    A ruffling of sheets and a flopping noise, her voice muffled by a pillow as she sighs bitterly. "Mmmph... Only trying to get ssstronger sssince it made her sssad to sssee me like thisss... Ssstupid... ssstupid friend... Thisss one only hurtsss, only breaksss.. Why do you not realize thissss, even when I told you. EVEN WHEN I--" She tenses up, a choked hiccuping sob before the tears resume.

    After a few minutes the sound of sobbing dies out, relented to idle breaths. "Floran isss hungry.. Going to go catch big fisssh.. Will talk to you tomorrow, Diary."

    End Log
  6. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Day 006
    Log 004
    Time: Unknown

    The screaming of a Hylotl over and over again. Pleading. Begging for an end, for it to stop.. Mixed with mocking hisses and impossible to make out words plays over, and over, and over again. This lasts thirty minutes into the audio log.

    Only for a sudden eruption of horrific, enraged, and terrifying screaming to begin right after it came to an end. What sounds like alarms start blaring up, scratches and scrabbles against a rusted wall. Something meaty being stabbed, torn, ripped to shreds. The screams dying down to hoarse trickled sobs.

    The voice of an AI speaks afterwards. "Shutting down. Locking all doors. Activating backup generators, life support online. Doors offline, communications, offline, security, ofline. Warning, Warning. Ship is submerged. Food stores are full. Estimated time of rescue, N/A. Estimated time of Death, Crew: One. Estimation: Two Weeks."

    The AI is soon turned off with a click, the alarms dying down. The sound of someone limping across the floor and settling onto a nearby chair with the crinkle of leather. Rustling emits from the desk, the sound of something heavy and metallic smacking against the tabletop. The sound of a match being lite, waved out, and a sudden inhalation.

    A few clicks, a keyboard and mouse and--, the horrific panicked and pained screams of he Hyotl pierce throughout the room, the recording playing over and over again. A revolver is soon loaded with a single bullet, the chamber snapped back into place.

    Whiiirrr. Silence. A heavy shaky breath, the hammer pulling back with a click and a trigger pulled.
    A choked sob emits, the the chamber spun again. Another click. Again. Another click. Again. Again. Again.

    Every time ended in a click. The log is overtaken by the repeated playing of the Hylotl screaming in fear and unbridled terror. Only accompanied by weak pathetic sobs and constant hissing, the sound of the revolver landing against the table top ending the log abruptly.

    End Log
  7. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Day ???
    Log 005
    Title: Lost
    Name: Baileaf
    Time: Unknown

    "Sssadnesss is obligatory..." There is an electrical hum, vibrating wherever she was. The constant sound of local wildlife alongside the drip, drip, drip of a cavernous biome. “Ship crashed. Could repair, not too hard. But decided... To dig. Isss not sssure why. Perhapsss making own grave? H..hahah..” There’s no words but the quiet pacing. “Went very deep. Planet isss not inhabited by anyone but little monsssters. Isss toxic planic, reminds Floran--” A quiet pause. “Me.. Of home. Misssess tribe planet, and tribe membersss... Perhapsss, was too emotional, ssshouldn’t have ran off...” A soft sigh accompanied by the rustling of foliage. “Hmm.. Wondersss if device can...”

    A sudden click and the audio log turns into a recording, great! The scrawny Floran blinks a few times, the recording catching view of her current location. It looked... Odd, needless to say. Her clawed hands grasping upon the device and slowly moving it around the room. Apex technology, old and ruinous, rust and mildew having taken hold and most if not all of the metal completely and utterly rotted away. Or molded with the walls of the cavern she was residing in.

    A single bed rested nearby, and a warn out generator was humming, giving the room light. The entrance had a makeshift door of rust and junk metal blocking it off, a single cracked window allow the Floran to peek outside, the camera fumbled with as she raised it to the window. Outside of the room was a gooey slime-like substance. Dripping from the walls, bouncing against the floor. Some of it glowing in the mellow darkness of the cave.

    “Going to explore more. Isss interesting things. Weird goobery thingsss... Helpss me not think of the things... I did.” A pause as she shook her head. “Tastesss good too! Hasssn’t killed thisss one yet.” She almost looked downtrodden about that fact, only to perk upright and shake her head slowly from side to side. “Tomorrow will explore cave. Thinksss.. Fisssh would have found thessse thingsss interesssting.” She murmured quietly. “Will practice ssspeaking again too.. It isss nice to have sssomeone to talk to.”

    “Thisss one missed you.” And the scrawny, scarred and beaten up Floran fumbled, hugging tightly onto the device, giving the camera a view of its gnarled sharpened maw and black cruel eyes. “Tomorrow isss a new day.” A quiet twist of a knob and the screen flickered to black.

    End Log
  8. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Day 001
    Log 006
    Title: Starting New
    Name: Baileaf
    Time: Unknown

    The camera clicks on, the feed buzzing before it reveals the Floran from before! Baileaf’s sporting a new mushroom cap of sorts upon her head. Beady black eyes staring quietly into the screen. She still looks weak and fragile. “Ehh... Thisss o- I, I am ssstarting new. My name isss Baileaf. Oh! Ssstarting to put on passswordsss to thessse logsss.. Essspecially the passst onesss. Th-- I.. I sssort’ve want to forget them.” She twiddles her thumbs quietly before lifting up the camera, turning it away from herself and towards the old make-shift door. Plantlife is growing miraculously along the underground ruins she’d made her home.

    “Ssstarting to think the ssslime isss from a failed apex experiment.” She chimes, pushing past the door, the camera jostled as she walks forward. Shutting it behind her. There was no need for the camera’s main light, the glowing orbs of ooze clung to the cavernous ceilings, yet still... Old metal clung to the bared rock. Rusty, ruined, and slathered with the green puddles of ooze. “It issss ediable! Like I ssstated before. But... No wildlife around it. I’m not sssure why...” She begins to slide into the cave, moving further ahead.

    Pressing past a few rocky hills, the camera soon rolls on to reveal a larger underground facility. Odd vats, wrecked tubes and the like broken away. “Thinking of exploring more tomorrow. It’sss jussst.. It looksss.. Creepy.” The scrawny Floran fiddles with her fingers as she turns the camera back to look up at herself. “Friendsss would find sssuch thing interesssting. Essspecially Aruana and Sssolour.” She pauses, letting out a little sigh, before shaking her head and managing a wide smile.”

    Slowly, the Floran leans forward and grabs one of the firmer bulbs of glowing green slime, it was shaped like a blossoming flower bulb, which she fiddled with quietly. “Thisss one! I ssshall inssspect thisss one. Yesss. Enough metalsss to create, learn... I can become better, here. Alone, in the dark. Thisss way, I cannot hurt anyone, yesss. Ssslime holdsss the answersss, i’m sssure!” Desperate ramblings from a desperate Floran.

    The treck back towards her home was uneventful, sliding past the rusted door and closing it behind her. She settles the bulb into a small jar, where it seems to jostle uncontrollably now that it was cut off from the main source of oddly green ooze. “Alwaysss doesss thisss.. Why? Hmm.. Will maybe look tomorrow. Isss unsssure. Ssstill hasss accesss the the ssstarnet and articlesss. Perhapsss can find sssomething of ussse.”

    “Bye bye, friend. Sssee you tomorrow!” She chimes, her hand twisting at the knob before the camera’s screen flickers to darkness.

    End Log